
Welcome to St. Philip Neri

Visit Us

St. Philip Neri Catholic Church
607 Fourth Ave, Kinder, LA 70648

Weekend Mass Times
Saturday - 4:00 PM (Anticipated)
Sunday - 8 and 10:30 AM
Daily Mass Times
Tuesday & Thursday - 12:05 PM
Wednesday - 6:30 AM
Friday - 5:30 PM During Lent
Followed by Stations of the Cross

Read the Bulletin to see any changes in Mass Times

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)
Saturday - 2:45-3:30 PM
Sunday - 9:30—10:00 AM
(Confessions will end 30 minutes prior to Mass)

Church Office
317 N 7th St, Kinder, LA 70648
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 146
8:00 - noon, 1:00 - 4:00 PM

8:00 - noon

(337) 738-5612

Office of Religious Ed Phone
(337) 738-5535

Daily Bible Readings

Meet our Priest.

Fr. Alan Trouille was ordained a priest on May 17, 1997. St. Philip Neri recently celebrated Fr. Alan’s 25 years of service to the Diocese of Lake Charles as a priest to the great people of God! Thanks for answering God’s call, Fr. Alan!

Words of Fr. Alan: “I look forward to continued service on this our journey of life! God has the master plan and we know the destination to be heaven—so we must assist each other on this eventful journey we call life.“

"Peace be with you!"
Say it often and to one another.


Watch Mass.

The 8am Sunday Mass every week is live-streamed on our Facebook Page. It can also be viewed here on our website!

Click on the Resources link above to reach
Funeral Readings and Wedding Readings/Policy
Safe Environment Information



Interested in becoming part of our family? Click the link to register as a Parishoner!

Register your child for SPN Religious Ed.

Catholic Charities of SWLA

Food Distribution

Tuesday, March 25 - St. Philip Neri

Time: 9:30-11:00am

Address: 607 4th Ave, Kinder

New dedicated line for Allen & Jeff Davis assistance at CCSWLA, for help with rent, utilities or IDs for employment purposes, call 337-438-6350 for assistance.**** Click to Learn More

St. Vincent’s Closet

SVC Coordinator — Barbara Istre

Hours of Operation:

Wednesdays — 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Thursdays — 9 a.m. to Noon

Jubilee Year 2025


Jubilee Year 2025 *

The flyer is meant to be a helpful tool for parishioners to view “at a glance” the six local pilgrimage sites in the Diocese of Lake Charles.

Make a pilgrimage or pious visit to any of the six local pilgrimage sites to gain a Plenary Indulgence during the Jubilee Year

Online Bulletins

Forgot to grab a bulletin last time you went to mass? Are you watching mass online and would like a copy of the bulletin? We got you! Click the link bellow to see an online version of our weekly bulletin! Handouts given with the bulletins are also available on the bulletin page.

Statement from Bishop Provost.

Bishop Provost reminds those who are ill, immune deficient, symptomatic, in a state of anxiety over contracting the illness, or at high risk due to chronic conditions, that they are already dispensed by the law from the obligation to attend Mass.

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